Nail Your Aftercare - Keep Your Nails Looking Fab!
I know you will absolutely LOVE your nails whilst you are wearing shellac & I expect your nails to last 2-3 weeks, as long as you give them a little care & attention during that time.
Shellac is suitable for nails that are in good condition, peeling nails will affect the longevity of shellac because if your nails are peeling its highly likely that the shellac will peel with them.
We say that shellac is pretty much indestructible with normal wear and tear, which means you have to partner with me by adding a little bit of protection to your nails if doing tough jobs such as; house hold cleaning, gardening and hobbies that are rough on your hands. Using harsh products without using gloves will also affect the condition of your nails, doing any of these whilst wearing shellac can mar your shellac service.
If you do happen to cause any damage to the shellac coating and see any of the following signs, then I hope that you will find the following advice helpful.

* If lifting or peeling is noticed please do not pick or pull at the shellac, as this will cause the lifting to increase and could even damage the natural nail. Please ring me on 07773044414 so that I can assess the nail & decide if a repair is necessary. Please note that repairs will be chargeable.
* If you are on holiday please be careful when using your sun tan oils or insect repellent solutions as many of these products contain DEET which is also known as N.N Diethy1 3-methylbenzamide or N.N Diethyl –m – toluamide which can cause damage to the shellac colour coat.
* Some of the more delicate shellac colours can fade somewhat if one is in chlorinated water, followed by excessive sun (remember that chlorine is a bleach and sun intensifies the bleaching action). Dry your hands and nails after you have been swimming and before sunbathing to minimise any colour fading.
* Please use solar oil at least twice daily, especially at night time before bed (this can be purchased from Rowan Retreat). Regular use of solar oil will substantially prolong the life of your shellac and keep your natural nails and the skin surrounding them healthy, moisturised and flexible.
* If you wish to temporarily change the colour of your nails whilst wearing shellac, you can apply regular nail polish over the shellac, but please be sure to remove with acetone free remover.
* Relative to your lifestyle and activity level, your shellac will need fortnightly or three weekly maintenance as there will obviously be re-growth. At this point I can either remove the existing shellac and re-apply or remove the shellac completely. Shellac removal only takes minutes. If you decide you would like complete removal of your shellac then please call me to remove it safely for you. Incorrect removal of shellac may damage the surface of your nails. I will be able to remove the shellac using a professional remover.